She was chosen as the Member of Parliament for Chawama, notwithstanding, she is entangled in various cases since her political decision. Maybe it is each of the a creation by her rival, as the netizens accept.

Was Tasila Lungu Arrested? Tasila Lungu, previous President Edgar Lungu’s girl was captured for cross examinations by the Drug Enforcement Commission Money Laundering Unit.

She is as of late chosen Member of Parliament (MP) for Chawama, Zambia.

Tasila came to the Commission’s Lusaka central command toward the beginning of today, joined by her significant other Patrick and Mpika Member of Parliament Francis Kampyanga.

The cross examinations at the Commission’s Lusaka Province office endured somewhat over 60 minutes. Endeavors to acquire a reaction from Ms. LUNGU or her attorney were futile since they decided to stay quiet as they left the structure.

As indicated by Diamond TV, the Commission didn’t scrutinize her since one of the DEC officials is obviously sick.

Mrs. Tasila Mwansa is booked to show up again on Friday, June 10, 2022.

Netizens appreciate Ms. Tasila as a youthful and decided lawmaker, and they are looking for equity for her. She is alluded to as the mother of Chawama for every one of the penances she has accomplished for them.

Tasila Lungu, A Parliament Member Appears Before DEC Tasila Lung, a parliament part for Chawama was brought before DEC on doubt of tax evasion. The examination is right now occurring and the subtleties will be trailed behind her next appearance on Friday, June 10.

She was suspended after she challenged the spending plan banter on Head 101 in December last year. Since it abused the constitution as it was removed from an old text.

Tasila, then again, said she had no regret about being suspended for supporting the constitution since one can’t work outside the standards of the country.

Mulenga Fube, a Chilubi MP, said he still up in the air to safeguard the constitution each time it was disregarded in parliament, regardless of whether it implied gambling with capture.

On March 15, the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Attractor Chisangano, suspended PF MPs for 30 days, which finished up on April 13. She was suspended for disregarding parliamentary honors, refering to area 22 of the Powers and Privileges Act.

Ms. Mwansa expressed in a meeting that being suspended to protect the constitution was the legitimate thing to do. She expressed that Zambians chose them for parliament to protect the law, which they managed without a second thought.

“We safeguarded the constitution since it was the appropriate thing to do; you can’t work beyond the constitution; individuals sent us to parliament to safeguard the constitution, and that is the very thing we did,” Ms. Mwansa added.

Tasila Lungu Drug Enforcement Review And Charges Tasila Lungu was called Today by Drug Enforcement Commission Money Laundering Unit to audit her charges. Nonetheless, nothing emerged from the cross examination since Tasila and her advice stayed quiet and wouldn’t respond to the officials’ inquiries.

Besides, Diamond TV reports that the Commission didn’t meet with her since one of the DEC officials is supposedly unwell.

We will refresh you with additional data about the case quickly.