He gave guidelines to Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar to make a move in such manner. The declaration came two days after the Telangana lawmaking body passed a goal encouraging the Center to name the new Parliament working after Ambedkar.


KCR, as the Chief Minister is prevalently known, said it involved pride for individuals of Telangana that the Secretariat is being named after Ambedkar, who showed direction to the nation, and guaranteed that the choice will set a model for the whole country.

“It is a pleased second to all Telangana individuals that the state’s primary organization base camp – the secretariat – is named after India’s social logician and incredible scholarly Dr B.R. Ambedkar. This choice is commendable for India,” he said.

KCR guaranteed that the Telangana government is pushing ahead by sticking to Ambedkar’s way of thinking that every one individuals of India ought to get equivalent regard in all fields.

The yearning of Ambedkar are embodied behind accomplishing Telangana a good example status in the country inside a brief time frame in self-administration by advancing all segments of individuals at significant level in the social, political, financial and social fields, he said.

He noticed that on account of consolidation of Article 3 in the Constitution by Dr Ambedkar, Telangana has been framed as discrete state. The Telangana government is administering the state with human face for SC, ST, BC, minority, and ladies networks as well as unfortunate upper position individuals by executing Ambedkar’s sacred soul, he added.

“Ambedkar’s fantasy of India has an interesting majority rule character of variety. Ambedkar’s soul shows that simply by executing the government soul, equivalent freedoms and open doors can be given to all networks. The genuine Indianness is that individuals of India are regarded similarly without segregation of rank, ideology, orientation, and district, and equivalent open doors are given to all. Then, at that point, just, the genuine India will be disclosed. Our endeavors will go on for that,” KCR said.

Yet again he expressed that Telangana, which remained to act as an illustration for the country before, is remaining to act as an illustration for the nation by naming the secretariat after Ambedkar.

He saw that the interest to name the new Parliament working after Ambedkar is “in addition to a little issue”.

“The Telangana Assembly previously embraced a consistent goal in such manner as it is just a befitting distinction to the planner of India’s Constitution. A letter will likewise be composed to Prime Minister of India in regards to something similar.

— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) September 15, 2022

Taking into account the Telangana government’s interest to name the Parliament working after BR Ambedkar, I am emphasizing the interest to the Union government,” he added.