Did it revolutionize the way we watch TV and play video games? Absolutely not. It was all things we’ve seen in entertainment boxes before with a Siri and Apple flair. The gaming aspect is a rehash of the Nintendo’s Wii - so forget about any innovation coming from Apple in the gaming department. But that’s okay. Apple wasn’t trying to overcome Microsoft or Sony, nor was it trying to be the next microconsole running on a mobile OS - like the Ouya or Nvidia Shield.

No, Apple wants its software and hardware to speak for itself and let the developers make magic happen, just like with the release of the app store and iPhone. 

Transistor will be on the Apple TV

Apple TV is only running on an A8 chip, the same chip in the iPhone 6 line, which isn’t winning any benchmark fights. But it’s strong enough to have indie games such as Transistor or Bastion. These type of games will probably be the bread and butter of the Apple TV.

But indie games won’t be the only thing that could make the Apple TV worth buying. During the conference, Hipster Whale revealed Crossy Roads for the Apple TV. It was great to see the mobile game running on the big screen. It was slick, smooth, and controlled great the Apple TV remote. However, that wasn’t what made the presentation special - it was the fact that you could play local multiplayer. Two friends could grab a remote and play with each other for hours, trying to beat one another score or combine the effort to achieve the best score in overall.

Now you may wonder, what’s so special about that? The Apple TV could capture something that’s been dead since current consoles came out - local multiplayer. Gone were the days of Nintendo 64 or PlayStation One where a group of friends could play with each other on the same TV…until now.

Crossy Roads on multiplayer

Apple TV may not wow us with graphics and innovation, but it has potential to make its own niche in the gaming market like the iPhone did. Only October will tell what the Apple TV can really bring to the table.

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