Jason Arnie Owens’ Family needs replies after the pallbearer was killed by officials Jason Arnie Owens helped convey his dad’s coffin to the funeral wagon, then, at that point, went to embrace a family member. He never came to the cemetery.


While grievers accumulated external a northern West Virginia burial service home on Aug. 24, two casually dressed officials with an outlaw warrant rolled in from various vehicles, called out to Owens, and shot him dead, scattering his kid child’s clothing with blood as scared friends and family looked.

“There was no advance notice at all,” family companion Cassandra Whitecotton said. In the blaze of an eye, amazed loved ones previously grieving one part lost another. Presently, they need answers — why Owens was shot as well as why the episode unfurled the manner in which it did.

Policing aren’t making sense of much at the present time, refering to a continuous examination. Owens, 37, was needed on an outlaw warrant, yet the U.S. Marshals Service hasn’t gotten out whatever it was for.

The organization likewise said in an explanation that he had a weapon when individuals from an outlaw team drew nearer. Different observers fight that is false. Whitecotton and other people who stood just feet away said Owens was unarmed, had been embracing his auntie, Evelyn O’Dell, and was terminated on following his name was called.

Witnesses likewise question the U.S. Marshals’ affirmation that emergency treatment was performed immediately before crisis clinical benefits showed up. “They shouted Jason’s name. They just said ‘Jason’ and afterward began terminating,” Whitecotton related.

No Identifications “There were no recognizable pieces of proof they were U.S. Marshals — anything. They didn’t deliver this man any guide whatsoever. Not even once they contacted him to give any guide whatsoever.”As family members arranged for administrations Friday for Owens, a state police examination of the shooting was in progress. Be that as it may, tolerance locally is turning out to be flimsy.

Family members and partners assembled external the Harrison County Courthouse last week, blaming policing for overextend in the demise of Owens, who was white. A Facebook page called Justice for Jason Owens has ascended to roughly 800 individuals – the greater part of the number of inhabitants in Nutter Fort, where Owens was killed.

— Wall-E Scholar (@Wall_E_Scholar) September 9, 2022

Hidden the unanswered inquiries is whether some limit of fairness had been crossed in capturing a man amidst covering his father.”If they’ve been chasing after somebody and they at long last sort out where they are, they will get them,” said Tracy L. Hahn, a Columbus, Ohio-based security master who resigned following 32 years in policing, as delegate police boss at Ohio State University.